In order to achieve our vision and mission as a company, everyone has to have a strong focus on these aims and goals. We all need to align our energies and efforts. This is easy to understand and naturally forms the basis for efficient and goal-oriented work. But, furthermore, at Dolder, we also want to be focused and aligned in terms of how we do our work: That is to say on the values, culture, communication and leadership of our company. We are convinced that by clarifying these aspects and by making explicit our common ground, we can collaborate more easily and efficiently and that we will also have more fun working towards our company goals.


Following our company mission, vision, values and strategy, the HR strategy has three core topics. These can be summarized by the following key statements:

  • Growth: We grow with Dolder culture
  • Cleverest in Class: We build on knowledge and networks
  • Organization: Management leads with intent


We want to grow, and we can do that in two ways: We can either acquire new colleagues or we can become more efficient at what we do and consequently have more time to focus on our customers. For our HR strategy, this means two things. First of all, we have a strong Dolder company culture that we actively cultivate and develop and which we also transfer to any new entities acquired. Secondly, we provide an environment that favors innovation and experimentation.

In order to achieve this, we have several measures in place. For one, our culture is cultivated (not only but also) by our managers who lead with intent and who are living our values of reliability, transparency and teamwork. They coach their teams as well as each other in the Dolder spirit. Our values are also strengthened in regular interactions in and between teams. These points of contact are guaranteed by meetings, coffee talks, lunches and events as well as electronic platforms. In order to provide an environment that favors innovation and experimentation, we steer any changes in the office environments towards more open and collaborative forms. Moreover, we try to open up resources by diminishing and facilitating administrative work wherever possible.


A large part of the value we can add for our suppliers and customers is the high level of professional knowledge of our employees as well as our well established and far-reaching networks of diverse contacts. These has two consequences for our HR strategy: First of all, we support our employees in reaching – and maintaining – a high level of knowledge and expertise. Secondly, we promote strong internal as well as external networks. 

Because of this is, everyone in Dolder continually works on his or her education and vocational training. Furthermore, in order to tap into the vast knowledge that is already present in our company we have created a platform for exchanging information in the form of regular know-how lunches: There, colleagues train colleagues in everything from working techniques, new tools to field-specific knowhow. Naturally, this also plays into our goal of promoting strong internal networks. In order to strengthen our external networks, we want to give enough resources to sales manager so that they can achieve a high number and quality of visits with customers/suppliers and so that they can be present at the relevant fairs.


We are and will remain a family-owned company led by an international management team. This team will lead us by intent and with a lot of trust and, at the same time, will ensure organizational clarity and employees’ competence. Thus, our managers act as sounding boards and coaches for our colleagues. And thus helping everyone to do their best job and become ever more expert in their area of work.


Intent Based Leadership is a leadership concept that is in tune with our values, culture and goals and which helps us to find a common way in how we communicate with each other. IBL was developed by David Marquet when he worked as a captain on a nuclear submarine in the United States. During his tenure, he managed to turn the USS Santa Fe from the worst to the best performing submarine by, to say it dramatically, not giving any commands. 

In his leadership concept, managers have two very important tasks: The first is to ensure organizational clarity, which means that the overall direction and strategy must be clear to everyone. The second is to see that everyone has the necessary competence to do his or her job. This means they have all the knowledge and skills that are needed. Decisions are then not made by the managers but by those employees who have the most information about the topic that needs to be decided on. 

At Dolder we have been proceeding in this direction for some time and we want to further strengthen this kind of leadership. If you would like to know more about this: Look at our bespoke blog post or you might also want to watch this video.

Petra Schultheiss
HR Manager
telefono: +41 61 326 66 15